For WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS who struggle with public speaking, but aspire to shine on stage to grow their income and global impact.


The Soulful Speaker Summit 


Get FREE SPEAKER TRAINING and SHARE YOUR MESSAGE in a sacred space of heart centered women.

When: October 21-26, 2022

Price: $2600 FREE

Register to Participate

Watch the video below...

The Soulful Speakers Virtual Summit FREE Training starts in...









YES! I would love FREE Speaker Training!

Let me ask you a few questions...

Do you have an inner calling to share your message with the world?

Have you transformed your life and now you want to help others achieve the same thing?

Do you see other experts speaking confidently on-line and in person and you secretly wish you could do that too?

Have you ever wished you could overcome

  • imposter syndrome
  • lack of confidence
  • fear of public speaking 

So that you could be like the experts, speakers, and authors you admire on stage?

If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then this event is for you, my friend! 

Not only will you have an opportunity to share your message virtually with other women entrepreneurs...

but also, you'll get FREE SPEAKER TRAINING (LIVE not recorded) with Holley Mignosi, TEDx speaking coach and Storytelling and Body Language Expert, prior to the event so you can...

  • Gain core message clarity
  • Learn a proven "hot-talk" framework to take the guesswork out of speaking
  • Discover 3 simple ways to organize your content so it's EASY TO MEMORIZE
  • Deliver a powerful "Call To Action" so that you end your talk with finesse 
  • Boost your confidence on camera with hypnotic body language
  • And step into powerful  communication skills that turn curious audiences into SUPER FAN clients
YES! I want to participate!

Naturally, you'll get the FREE SPEAKER TRAINING before the event and the opportunity to speak on stage... all for FREE! 

Why am I doing this?

After surveying over 1500 women entrepreneurs we found that over 70% feel that they want to speak but are stopped by:
  • lack of confidence
  • don't know where to start
  • imposter syndrome 
  • fear of judgment
  • unclear message
I am on a mission to help 1 million women share their Soul Purpose on Stage.  Join me to bring in a  NEW AGE where WOMEN OWN THE STAGE!
This event is in response to what our audience needs MOST because...
The other 30 % of women we surveyed claimed that they "just need more speaking gigs".
However, after careful review, we found that more gigs were NOT the problem. 
The problem was that their message lacked clarity AND their non-verbal communication (body language and micro-expressions)  were not in alignment with that message, which caused the audience to not trust them and not buy from them.
Speaking begets more speaking...when it's done well.
Meaning, if you have a well-crafted talk, 1 talk can turn into 1-3 more speaking opportunities because you become highly sought after by people in the audience. 
If you speak and it does NOT lead to 1-3 more speaking gigs, something is off with the presentation. 
If this is you, this event will help with that too!  

"The event was the best I've been part of!"

What you'll get, when you join the Soulful Speakers Summit...

Holley Mignosi


  • Complimentary "Confidence On Camera" speaker training before the event so that you can shine online ($2000 value)
  • A proven framework for your talk so that you can take the guesswork out of how to structure it ($500 value)
  • Branded artwork to share on your social media platforms ($100  value)
  • Credibility of speaking on a virtual speaking platform (priceless)
  • 25 - minutes virtual speaking spot (priceless)
  • Opportunity to get feedback on your hot-talk so you can elevate it and land even bigger speaking gigs
  • "Speaker's Unite" Networking Event to collaborate with other experts like YOU
  • Share your message in a sacred space of over 1500 people online (priceless)
  • Opportunity to enter yourself in the "World's Greatest Soulful Speaker Contest" and be crowned "World's Greatest Soulful Speaker 2022" (priceless)
  • TOTAL VALUE $2600!  But you get it all for FREE. (please note this might be the last time we do this for free)

Details about the event...

  • The Speakers Summit is held on October 21-26th, 2022 inside a private Shine on Stage Facebook Group 
  • You do not need to be available every day. Each speaker only speaks one day for 25 minutes.
  • Speaker training takes place in September (exact dates & times TBA)
  • Professional speaker training provided by Holley Mignosi (TEDx coach, speaker trainer, body language & story expert, former celebrity modeling and acting coach)
  • Participation is FREE
  • You MUST apply to get selected
  • We are NOT looking professional speakers, we are seeking experts with a heart-felt message, passion for helping others, and desire to overcome their fears 

Total Value



Find Out More~We Need Your Voice!

 Hi, my friend I'm Holley! 


TEDx Coach, Speaker, Storytelling & Body Language Expert, Holley Mignosi helps speakers and experts increase their influence and impact through the art of Hypnotic Body Language and the Neuroscience of Storytelling. 


Holley's appeared on over 100 media outlets including TV shows like "The Doctors" on CBS and NBC.  She has graced the stage with celebrity speakers and authors such as Jack Canfield, Kim Kiyosaki, and Janet Atwood.  


Holley is on a mission to help women entrepreneurs express their soul purpose on GLOBAL stages. With a combined 30 years of experience as a celebrity modeling and acting coach, fitness trainer, and TEDx speaking coach, Holley has helped over 250,000 people embody their message and command the stage using her 5 Phases of Powerful Storytelling framework and Hypnotic Body Language.


Holley is a #1 best-selling author and holds multiple certifications in mindset and physicality specialties such as Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Hypnotic Presentation Skills, and other long words that sound cool! 

Who is the Speakers Summit for?

This event is for women entrepreneurs who...

  • Are also coaches, experts, mom-preneurs and healers
  • Struggle to speak publicly/online with confidence but know it's necessary to grow their biz
  • Feel intimidated by public speaking
  • Are open to learning profitable public speaking skills
  • Have a calling to share a message with heart and soul
  • Are committed to making time for this event, training, and networking
  • Are just starting to speak publicly and want help refining it
  • Want to join a sacred space of women helping women shine on stage
  • Want to join our mission of bringing in a NEW AGE WHERE WOMEN OWN THE STAGE!
Apply to Speak ~ We Need Your Voice

Who is it NOT for?

  • Experts who are already professional speakers
  • Coaches who make profit more important than people
  • Entrepreneurs who know how to speak and just want "more gigs"
  • Experts who do not have time for speaker training
Apply to Speak ~ We Need Your Voice

"Holley has a unique talent for creating a marked shift in how you literally "embody" your message."

Devi Adea

Host of Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast

Is it worth your time?


Well, decide for yourself...


You've seen virtual summits being posted in various groups, right?

And you might be asking yourself...

Is the time commitment worth the outcome?

Great question!

Well, other virtual summits don't provide speaker training BEFORE you speak...

They just let you sail on your own...

And it might be okay if you already had some successful experience speaking in front of an audience..

but if you had it, chances are you wouldn't be reading this right now...

so my guess, you do want  to start speaking and you do need help with organizing your talk...

So let me tell you...

Just the training is already worth over $2600.

This is how much my private clients are paying me to coach them so that they could increase their influence and income with public speaking. 

But only ONCE a year, I host the Soulful Speaker Summit...

so it's a rare opportunity to join and get the training for FREE...

No catch, to hidden plan, nothing.

This is my way of helping women entrepreneurs to find their voice and spread their message...

By the end of the Soulful Speaker Summit, you'll get an opportunity to sign up for a 6-months speaking coaching with me, but the FREE training alone will already give you the starting point so that you can start speaking virtually and in-person.

Did you know that someone is praying for you to show up in their life


That's right.


Someone needs your message, your story, your coaching to help them solve their problem.   


You have been through so much in your life. 


And those experiences have taught you many things that have made you the extraordinary person you are today


Your story and your message is exactly what they need to hear to know that they can trust you to guide them.

Your message has the power to entertain, educate, heal, inspire, and motivate. 

It's time to share your message, the world is waiting!

Your friend ~ Holley Mignosi

Apply to Speak ~ We Need Your Voice