The 3-Day Signature Story Challenge for
Women Speakers, Experts and Entrepreneurs


Imagine If You Could Reach More People, Make a Bigger Difference and Be Known as THE BEST in Your Industry?


Discover and craft your Signature Story that moves MILLIONS so that you can get booked to speak on podcasts, summits, virtual and live stages!

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Join The Challenge Now

Yes, I want to Discover and Craft My Signature Story that Moves Millions

Have you ever felt as though you have a story to tell but you didn’t know how to craft or organize it so you can reach a bigger audience?


You aren't sure if you have a story to share OR have too many stories and aren's sure where to start?


Do you feel as it’s your personal calling to share your story that has the potential to influence the lives of MILLIONS..


if you could just get unstuck.


Or maybe..


You think as you don’t have a special story to share but you understand, as an expert, that it’s the stories that move audiences and stories make people remember you?


Well, you’ve come to the right place..


Hi, my name is Holley Mignosi, and I’m your Storytelling and Hypnotic Body Language coach.


During my combined 30+ years of experience as a celebrity modeling and acting coach, fitness trainer, and international public speaking coach, I’ve helped over 250,000 people embody their message with presence and passion.

Let me tell you..

Every one of my clients had a SPECIAL Signature story to share that we uncovered during our coaching sessions.

Even more…

ALL of them were able to discover and craft a transformational story that got them to talk on podcasts, summits, and virtual stages!

They’ve become the BEST in their industries!

And that’s what I want for YOU too.


I created this challenge because I want to help YOU discover your authentic personal story that would move MILLIONS!!

Join The Challenge Now

As Seen On

Holley Mignosi

During these 3 days, you will learn IN DEPTH my 5 phases of Signature Storytelling...


and those are NOT the typical phases you find online.


As a BONUS, you’ll learn:

  • Which stories to tell and which to NEVER tell
  • How to captivate your audience and increase engagement 
  • How to get the secret balance between credibility and vulnerability
  • What to do if you have MANY stories
  • What to do if you don't think you have a story
  • How to avoid the #1 mistake storytellers make that put their audience to sleep and causes them to NOT buy
  • 3 LIVE Coaching Sessions From Holley ($1190 value)
  • Access to the course Hypnotic Body Language ($298 value)
  • Access to the course Creating Your Talk ($298 value)
  • A Media Kit Template ($34 value)
  • A thriving community of other Female Soulful Speakers (invaluable)
  • A private access to “Shine on Stage” Facebook Group (invaluable)

Total Value



Join The Challenge Now

Yes, I want to Discover and Craft My Signature Story that Moves Millions

Holley Mignosi

Speaker, Storyteller, and Body Language Expert, Holley Mignosi helps speakers and experts increase their influence and impact through the art of Hypnotic Body Language and the Neuroscience of Storytelling.  


As the founder of the Soulful Speaker Incubator, Holley helps experts command the stage by tapping into their signature star power. 


Holley is the CEO and Founder of The Dynamic Dream Life Group Inc. She holds multiple certifications in mindset and physicality specialties such as Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Hypnotic Presentation Skills, and other long words that sound cool!

The 3-Day Story Challenge is for you for you if...

  • You want to create YOUR signature story.
  • You have a story but want to refine it or create another.
  • You want a story template for future stories and talks.
  • You don't think you have a story.
  • You have content but need support crafting your story.
  • You want to help people with your story.
  • You want to inspire and transform audiences with your story.
  • You want a step by step approach to getting it done.
Join The Challenge Now

"Holley has a unique talent for creating a marked shift in how you literally "embody" your message."

Devi Adea

Host of Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast

Did you know that someone is praying for you to show up in their life


That's right.


Someone needs your message, your story, your coaching to help them solve their problem.   


You have been through so much in your life. 


And those experiences have taught you many things that have made you the extraordinary person you are today


Your story is exactly what they need to hear to know that they can trust you to guide them.


It's time to STAND OUT AS SOMEONE YOUR AUDIENCE KNOWS, LIKES, and TRUSTS because I am going to show you how to craft YOUR story step by step. 


It's time to be SEEN AS THE GO TO LEADER in your industry because I will show you how your story gives you instant credibility.  

  • 3 LIVE Coaching Sessions From Holley ($1190 value)
  • Access to the course Hypnotic Body Language ($298 value)
  • Access to the course Creating Your Talk ($298 value)
  • A Media Kit Template ($34 value)
  • A thriving community of other Female Soulful Speakers (invaluable)
  • A private access to “Shine on Stage” Facebook Group (invaluable)

Total Value



Join The Challenge Now

Yes, I want to Discover and Craft My Signature Story that Moves Millions

You might be not sure if this is for you. No problem..

If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied after the 1st day of the Challenge (yes! you’ll be able to make a decision by then), you’ll receive a 100% refund on the program. Simply send me an email with the request.


Now, that you have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain...


It's time to join the Challenge!

Your story has the power to entertain, educate, heal, inspire, and motivate. 

It's time to share your story, the world is waiting!